
In Japan, when you enter a store or a restaurant or a home, the hosts will call out "いらつしゃいませ!"(Ira'shaimase), which means something like "Welcome!" "Come on in!" Which is what I say to you, new and old friends, as I share random thoughts and creations to whomever is interested.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

The Death of Koko the Gorilla

Koko the Gorilla touched my heart.  A great ape who could communicate with humans and share her innermost feelings.  From her we learned that animals truly have feelings and thoughts beyond what we ever imagine.

I painted two in Koko's memory.

This first one is a play on words.  The kaniji is Kokoro.
"Kokoro (Japanese: 心) means "heart; mind; mentality; emotions; feelings".
And  I see in Koko's care and love for the kitten "Ball"
as showing that gorilla's have Kokoro.
Kind of cool cuz her name is Koko.

Lisa jastram etegami gorilla

The second etegami for Koko captures her intelligent face a little bit more.
I have been so disgusted as of late (and it is summer 2018) with politicians and others for their seeming lack to feel love and loyalty and gratitude.
I deeply feel that animals are better off than humans in many cases.
Especially Koko.

Lisa Jastram etegami

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